At first glance it looks like an ad, but it couldn't be. (for those who don't know, Israelis are forbidden to enter Syria, so there's no chance an Israeli newspaper could or would advertise tourism to Syria) So what is this?
Feel free to vote or add your own suggestions: 1) An ad for advertising space (this is how desperate we've become) 2) Left-wing propoganda 3) Two Israelis made a bet in which the loser had to place a funny ad
memorial marking the fallen Israeli soldiers from the battle of the valley of tears
so freezing!! how did the boston winter suddenly get to israel?!
view of "Emek haBacha", Valley of the Tears, in the Golan
in the Golan winery, taste testing :-)
yay Dad and Gail are here!!
Jen and Itay, the cutest :-)
happy bday my jenny!!!
and of course no basketball game is complete without a few cowgirls...
go Maccabee!
Maccabee TA versus Madrid - amazing game
the winning Palore team!
al ha'esh!
an Israeli waterfall, something lovely...
planting a tree, eze kef!
making coffee on the go
hiking through the waterfalls with my new co-workers
view of the landscape where we planted trees
snacks to start out the work retreat in the north, in honor of Tu b'Shvat
double date with my favorite couple, Jen and Itay :-)
Tzahi and Itay in our safari granny cart...
gnarl... (yes there was an invisible electric fence ensuring the protection of our lives)
Tzahi makes a friend! :-)
TA Safari -- I like how you can see my reflection in the sideview mirror!
my edible mazal tov
at my birthday dinner!
Tzahi and I on the beach, a lovely January day...
happy new year with Tzahi
Celebrating Sylvester Israeli-style
Israelis are all about the Santa hat on New Years Eve... well, close enough!
at the Georgian wedding
Beautiful sunset reflection of the Jordanian red mountains
View of the dead sea from our hotel balcony
At the memorial ceremony for Yitzhak Rabin, marking 14 years since his death
me and my man
me and my beautiful Osha :-)
dancing at the wedding
with the Barazi girls and friends at the wedding
Eliad and Odelia dancing amid fireworks on the dance floor... breathtaking
Oshrit and Nofar, the Barazi sisters, at the wedding
at Eliad's wedding
with Charles in Tel Aviv :-)
Tzachi and I at a friend's birthday party in Tel Aviv
yay jen arrived! i expressed my excitement by creating a sign almost bigger than the two of us combined :-) (now just imagine me running through an empty airport up to jen holding up the sign since i arrived later than she did! oops)
with my man in zichron ya'akov, a quaint northern village, enjoying the 14-shekel/bottle local wine
friend Gary from Boston visiting the holy land...
with the roomies, chillin on the mirpeset
with my Tzachi :-)
with Jessica, finally in Israel! yay!
with the roomies! at our fabulous party :-)
with Miri, the younger sister of my dear friend Arik, at our party
with Tzachi at our party on the mirpeset
with Teri, a friend from ulpan (olah chadasha from chicago)
some horses we came across in the north...
relaxing weekend getaway in the beautiful north
shopping for art with my bf in tzfat
with Shlomit, my pen pal and friend from age 17
me and the roomies
Madonna concert
reunited with Oshrit :-)
me, walking into the dead sea, for the first time in years!
approaching the beautiful yam hamelach...
driving down to the dead sea...
reuniting with Lauren, an old childhood friend, who came to visit Israel for the first time! (and fell in love, of course :-)
with Andrew and Zevik, the good 'ol times
with Andrew and Karla, old friends visiting from Texas, who were leading a group of young evangelical Christians on a trip around Israel to boost their advocacy skills on campus
me and Zaki :-)
on Jerusalem's new shopping boulevard -- all stores from abroad! hallelujah :-)
tiyul in Kisariya with Zaki
with my mommy
with stepdad Steve at a kosher steak restaurant
just taking a cat nap ;-)
with friends on the beach
Lib and Rach at the pool
with my old friend Lobo, in from England for maccabiah
Shabbat dinner with the Nahari family
Lib and Rach with Lior at his birthday party in Herzliya
beautiful view of Haifa bahai gardens
Lib, Rach and Alex
Lib and Rach overlooking beautiful Haifa
Lib, Rach and Rochel at Maytal's wedding
Rach and Lib on Lib's balcony before wedding
with Arik and Erik at "HaZaken v'haYam" in Yafo
with Zevik at the "Old Man and the Sea" an amazing Arab restaurant in Yafo
with Erik Miller in Tel Aviv! good friend from the DP
with Josh on the beach
Lib and Noah at the clara
With Erin, new friend and fellow olah chadasha
Josh Abrams visiting! post-birthright
me and Ez
chilling on the renaissance hotel balcony
Ezra Lewis and Noah Solomon visiting - mini Yavneh reunion
Chrissie's second visit to Tel Aviv!
Aaron and I leaving a glorious day at the Hilton beach, ahh
outside the Clara bar
me, Aaron and Shabbat :-)
Shabbat dinner on my balcony, sunset
Aaron, Jason and I
Aaron and I on the beach, over 90 degrees...
Aaron (my brother) visits me yay!!
Boaz and Gad at my hanukat bait
with Esther at my housewarming (hanukat bait)
with Lara, my beatiful Turkish friend
my roommates!
sunset on my balcony
view from my balcony
gay party on the beach (rainbow'd israeli flags!)
me and Tamar, my Belgian roommate
Jason the australian
Food market at the dizengoff mall
beautiful TA beach
strolling down the streets of tel aviv
Ofer's in TA!
afternoon on tel aviv beach
entering the dance area
happily tossed into the pool :-)
with Arik at the monsoon party
chilling at beit oren
couldn't help being a tourist in shuk hacarmel - the fruits were that bright! :)
Chrissie and I at a rooftop bbq
Libbie, Jen, Itai and Shai at the Migdalor
Libbie and Alex, my new best friend (aka Jen's best friend)
at the Migdalor (lighthouse) club at top of tel aviv office building
fun game in the supermarket - see if you can identify this vegetable
Smells like treason to me.