view from my airplane seat

Monday, May 4, 2009

reflections on "my honeymoon"

I'm tired of people telling me to "enjoy the honeymoon period" and how terribly hard it will be to live in Israel. First of all, I'm not naive or stupid. I know life in Israel isn't/won't be easy. But constantly hearing it over and over doesn't help me in any way. I can't enjoy the "honeymoon period" if you keep calling it that! (I mean, I absolutely am enjoying every second, but you get my point). so much of our reality is connected to our perceptions and expectations. when i expect my day to be difficult, or when i face it smiling and light-hearted, the day turns out differently. and second of all, life isnt so easy anywhere. of course life in america is easy in ways it isn't here (mostly in materialistic ways), but life everywhere and anywhere is difficult. we would get bored with life if it was smooth sailing all the time. at least in Israel i'm constantly feeling grateful. i'm grateful to have the state of israel. i'm grateful to feel safe and proud living openly as a Jew. i'm grateful that everyone here understands me (on a certain level). anyway, i hope people will soon cease to remind me that life here is so difficult and i'm on a honeymoon. aliyah is like getting married - you dont fall out of love just because things get hard. the love only grows stronger. and i intend to enjoy the full lifetime :-)

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree Lib! And kol hakovod for saying it- it's about time! I hate when people assume an experience will be a certain way for you just because it was that way or could be that way for them!!! I miss you a lot and am proud of you and know you will make the most of this new phase of your life!
