view from my airplane seat

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Happy day in Tel Aviv

I went for my first real run in Tel Aviv today, down Rothschild through the city to the beach. Once I got to the ocean and smelled the refreshing ocean air, I realized I really have to find an apartment close to the beach. There's something about smelling the ocean on a regular basis - much better than the air deeper in the city with all the cars and cigarettes and dog poop.
As I neared Jaffa I stopped for a few minutes by the rocks and climbed down to a perch overlooking the waves. I watched the foamy water lather over the mossy rocks and felt extremely at peace. I realized I felt more at peace at that moment than I have in years. I am finally where I want to be. All the struggling over my aliyah decision is over. I can finally enjoy being where I belong. Tears came to my eyes as I realized this immense peace that has finally entered my heart and my mind. Making aliyah has put an end to an inner struggle that had gone on for years. My heart is full of love for Israel.
Last night I met some Australian olim and one of them, a guy, said he felt that making aliyah and falling in love with Israel was the same feeling as falling in love with a girl. I was touched that he put words to my experience exactly.

On my sherut ride home (at 4 in the morning after a night of hopping bars in the namal) there was a Canadian, American and Brit - 3 guys - who were carrying 2 newborn puppies home with them. i absolutely fell in love with them (the puppies) and got to play with the female, Darling, the whole ride home. at the end of the ride the canadian gave me his # so I could come over and play with Darling as much as I want! I am definitely going to take him up on his offer :-)

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